Better Transit Alliance letter to editor in Times Colonist

More bus lanes should be a priority

Times Colonist – October 8, 2017

Re: “Residents call for more affordable transit,” Oct. 3.

The new Vital Signs report has a lot of good information on what people in Greater Victoria want, beyond lower transit fares. The report shows that people are tired of transit riders getting stuck in traffic, and think we should reduce our reliance on cars. It also says we should “take urgent action to combat climate change.”

Completing the already started bus lanes on Douglas Street/Trans-Canada Highway to the West Shore should be the immediate response to this report. These bus lanes could be completed within 18 months. There is also an urgent need for shoulder bus lanes on the Pat Bay Highway, and many more buses across the region. Let’s get it done.

We are members of the Better Transit Alliance of Greater Victoria.

Sue Stroud, Brentwood Bay

Eric Diller, Sidney