Car Free Day: Survey Says…

If you stopped by our booth at our first Car Free Day Victoria on June 18, 2017, then you might have participated in our informal sticker survey. We loved chatting with everyone who stopped by and hearing some of your transit concerns in Greater Victoria- as well as many positive stories of transit experiences in the CRD!

Our (un)scientific survey results are very interesting! Some observations:

  • People who take public transit take it a lot! 64% of people surveyed take transit at least 5 days per week, with 25% taking the bus EVERY DAY!
  • The most common place that people take transit is to school and work, though some rely on it for everyday activities like grocery shopping. A quarter of you rely on transit to get out of town- like to the ferry terminal or to the airport
  • The biggest complaint about transit in Greater Victoria is definitely that the bus doesn’t come on time! Though, we heard some people who complained that the bus comes really early and some that say the bus comes too late. Either way, the busses don’t seem to be running on the scheduled times.

If you’re a stats geek, check out the full results of the survey below!

Question #1: What is your #1 biggest transit concern in Greater Victoria?

Number of People
Bus doesn’t come on time 73
 Long wait at the bus stop 23
Takes too long to get to my destination 22
Bus delayed due to traffic 11
No routes where I want to go 12
Too crowded 12
Too expensive 31
Not accessible 4
Ran to the bus stop and bus pulled away 30
New $5 day pass (no transfers) 14
Lack of evening/late night/weekend services 6
No bus to airport 9

Some of your other ideas!

  • “Traffic lanes aren’t wide enough for buses due to poorly designed bike lanes”
  • “Need real time info”
  • “The 11 to UVic is the worst. I get to school late every day because the bus is 10 min. early!”
  • “No social etiquette”
  • “Can’t get on the 11 cause it’s too crowded- every time”
  • “Brakes too hard”
  • “No discounts for seniors/children”
  •  “No more BC wide seniors pass”
  •  “too many connections”
  • “Bus stops are inadequate”
  • “Bus doesn’t come early enough”
  • “Can’t be sure there will be room for my bicycle”
  • “Poor/infrequent scheduling”

Question #2: How many days per week do you take transit?

Question #3: Where do you take transit in Greater Victoria?

# people
School/Work 63
Groceries 15
To the restaurant/bar 10
To the mall/shopping 11
To the ferry terminal 27
To the airport 14
Extracurricular activities 16

Thanks for stopping by and taking the survey!