“You can’t expect people to ride transit if they can’t get to the bus safely.”

Sue Stroud of the Better Transit Alliance of Greater Victoria agreed, saying the number of deaths and injuries rises dramatically with every 10 kilometres per hour over 30. “Forty’s a good start, but 30 would be a lot better,” she said. “I think we’ll just keep trying to persuade them that 30 is a lot safer and people get where they’re going just as fast.”

Pilot project to reduce speed limit on Saanich residential roads to 40 km/h to go ahead

Jeff Bell / Times Colonist October 28, 2020

A pilot project to lower the default speed limit on residential roads in Saanich to 40 km/h could begin next year.

Continue reading ““You can’t expect people to ride transit if they can’t get to the bus safely.””

Open Letter – CRD response to South Island Transportation Strategy

Dear Capital Regional District Board Members,

Re CRD response to South Island Transportation Strategy

Thank you! Your 2019 votes against a new ‘alternate route’ Malahat highway and for the CRD Climate Emergency declaration has resulted in the provincial government releasing a South Island Transportation Strategy (SITS) that is a significant step forward.

We would like you to take the next step, and request a re-prioritization of provincial and federal funding to be compatible with the aspirations of SITS, the CRD’s unanimous Climate Emergency declaration, and the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Continue reading “Open Letter – CRD response to South Island Transportation Strategy”